Leaked DMs Reveal Adam Levine’s Extramarital Affair with Cosmo

Flirty DMs between Adam Levine and Cosmo the Cougar have been leaked online. They appear to show Levine and Cosmo have been in a relationship for months, with messages being sent sometimes dozens of times a day. This comes after numerous other women have come forward revealing their relationships with the Maroon 5 singer.

Although the DMs are lewd and often graphic, Cosmo asked Levine to avoid any profanity because “I don’t want any naughty words in my furry noggin.” Below is just a sample of the hundreds of messages sent over several months:

Levine: Hey baby, what r u doing tonite?
Cosmo: not much, just did a backflip into a swimming pool to the cheers of tens of thousands of football fans lol
Levine: holy fetching frick, that’s so hecking hot. u wanna make fetch happen tonite?
Cosmo: i told you, i’m saving myself for marriage, stop trying to make fetch happen. i might let you have a taste of my horrifying human toes tho lol
Levine: why do u keep wanting me to taste ur human toes?
Cosmo: uwu

These revelations have led some to question Cosmo’s worthiness as BYU’s mascot. Chad Virginson, BYUSA president, is personally shocked and horrified by the revelation. “I’ve never doubted that Cosmo was a furry, but a furry who doesn’t respect the institution of marriage? A furry who uses the internet for purposes other than spreading faith-promoting messages? A gay furry? This will not stand!”

For their part, Cosmo and Levine have declined to comment. Cosmo released a public statement saying he’s stepping away for a period of reflection and repentance: “I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven.”  Although Levine has yet to release any statement, lyrics from his most recent song, “Baby, Imma Get Your Human Toes”, have led many to believe he doesn’t regret the affair.