White Girl with Dreadlocks Wins BYU Diversity Scholarship

When McChastity Tinkles won the new BYU Diversity scholarship, she was elated.

“I knew my hair looked cool,” Tinkles said. “But I didn’t realize it was free college cool.”

Unfortunately for Ms. Tinkles, there were a whole lot of other people who agreed that her hair wasn’t free college cool.

Across the vast interwebs as of late, there has been criticism flooding in against the 147th consecutive annual stone-cold sober school. The Duke Women’s Volleyball scandal had people at each other’s throats which was notably the most people have ever cared about volleyball in the sports history. In response to controversy, BYU knew they had to act fast.

“At BYU, we pride ourselves for our acceptance and loving attitude on campus,” Jimmy McMuffin, President of the Office of Belonging at BYU, told the Alternate Universe. “We need to remind our students and critics that diversity and inclusion are top priorities here in Provo. That is why we are offering a full-ride scholarship to one student every year who exemplifies our values of diversity and culture.”

Shortly after this announcement, McChastity Tinkles was recognized as the winner on BYU’s Instagram and MySpace pages. And boy, people were not happy. Even Mike Lee, Utah’s Republican and definitely not-racist Senator commented “smh” on the post.

Despite the backlash, McChastity has decided to keep the scholarship. She defended herself on social media this past weekend.

“Some people have accused me of cultural appropriation. I think of it more as ‘cultural appreciation’. Not to mention, I really needed this scholarship! One of my Dad’s six businesses filed for bankruptcy this year. I am not in a good place financially. And just for the record, I served my mission in Detroit so I think I am allowed to do this, okay?”