BYU-Idaho Accused of Bussing Unwanted Students to Provo

Tensions continue to rise after BYU-Idaho bussed 50 unwanted students to Provo. Without any warning or explanation, President Worthen is now responsible for housing, feeding, and educating these new students.

According to Henry J. Eyring, president of BYU-I, sending these students over was a necessity. “We’re getting more and more students every year. We are a tiny little town, and it’s just not feasible that we be expected to take care of them all.” This move was also meant to be a wake-up call for Worthen, according to Eyring. “‘Keep accepting new students,’ he says. ‘They deserve a good education,’ he says. Well, let’s see how he likes it.”

President Worthen doesn’t see it the same way. “What they’ve done is just completely unfair. It’s like if you took your trash bags and threw them into other peoples yards. I’m not comparing BYU-Idaho students to trash; I’m simply saying sending them somewhere is like sending trash.” Worthen maintains his affection and concern for Rexburg students, but says Provo simply doesn’t have the resources, or patience, to take care of them. “We love and appreciate our BYU-Idaho students. It’s just so horribly tiresome to have to look at them all the time.”

For their part, the students are happy with the change. Jacob, a native of Rexburg, is grateful to be in Provo. “My family has been stuck in Rexburg for generations. I’m just looking for a better life.” However, life in Provo has been a hard adjustment for Jacob. After seeing a woman wearing shorts, he fell sick and couldn’t leave his bed for two weeks.

Some students at BYU have been kind enough to take in these poor souls, but it seems they won’t be staying for long. Worthen has called in the National Guard to remove the students and ship them off to somewhere else. According to Worthen, “Am I hypocritical for whining about students being bussed to me and then bussing them myself off to somewhere else? Perhaps. But who could blame me?” Who indeed.