DoTERRA Intern Cures Cancer In Between Doing Nothing and Pretending to be Working

Summer internships are a double-edged sword.

On one hand, you get a great experience that will make your resume stand out from the rest. But on the other, you have to pretend that you are deeply entrenched in work while you try to beat your solitaire high score.

The struggle of pretending to do work is a challenge that every intern must go through. They often think to themselves, “How can I make it seem that I’m doing more work than I actually am?”

Philo Dibble solved that problem by curing cancer. What have you done with your summer?

“I finished all my work for the summer before lunch on my first day. For weeks, I had just been playing Backyard Baseball and Space Pinball. I was going slowly insane,” says Dibble.

Philo started an internship with DoTERRA in April as a way to boost his resume. Mistakenly, he thought that joining the most obnoxious company in Utah Valley was a good way to kickstart his career.

“The only task they gave me was deleting old emails that incriminated their company. I finished in 30 minutes. I asked if there is more I could do and my boss said he would get back to me. It’s been 3 months. I don’t think he even works here anymore.”

One day he was bored and decided to do something about it. He thought, “Why don’t I change the world?” He then googled “how to cure cancer” and found a cure in minutes. When no one at DoTERRA seemed to care that he cured the most deadly disease in human history, he reached out to the Alternate Universe- the most trusted news source on the internet.

“The trick is to use essential oils. The mitochondria just eat those oils up. Once you absorb the oils enough, your midichlorians will be enhanced and your Jedi powers will defeat cancer. It’s as easy as that.”

Although unproven, time will only tell just how much Philo Dibble changed the world.