How to Get Released from Your Calling

We’ve all been there. You gave it your all, but it’s just too much. Whether your calling is in primary or activities coordination, or wether your reason for quitting is a person who have to work with or a lack of time, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top 5 ways of getting that long-deserved release:

  1. Swear a lot. Group chats, meetings, any time and anywhere. Say your sister grabbed your phone. Or not.
  2. Give your two week’s notice. Give your church leadership enough time to hire someone new, and then you’re out of there. There’s no use in sticking around where you’re no longer wanted.
  3. Lie about moving. Then stay and surprise everybody. Just tell your ward leadership you’re gonna be gone, and they’ll release you.
  4. Pray to be released. It worked for me. I had prayed for months to be able to handle the situation, then as soon as I asked God to release me from my calling, He did.
  5. Just give up. When I was 13, our Sunday school teacher literally just gave us candy and we gossiped the entire time. No lesson, no prayer. He didn’t have that calling for long. Get that alpha energy.