5 Classes for Students Who Forgot to Register for Classes

So you have been spending every night swiping on Mutual on your phone, and you forgot to register for classes. Now you have to pick classes from the bottom of the barrel. Here is our list of the best classes to round out your schedule.

  1. CHEM 105: Chemistry is always fun. Then you could finally dip into your reserve of chemistry-based pick-up lines. What could go wrong?
  2. ECON 110 (with Kearl): Lightest workload of any class ever. You will be shocked by how easy it is.
  3. CHEM 106: You’ll already be learning so much in 105. Just apply all of that to this class and you’ll be totally fine.
  4. MATH 213: It’s called “Elementary Linear Algebra”. Those are all words you know. It’s not like it’s calculus or anything. Plus, math is, like, super important. Who knows when you’ll need it?