BYU Reverts Back to Online Classes to Fight Rising Gas Prices

If you’re single and looking for a smoking hot babe on campus, you might have to up your Zoom flirting skills instead.

Kevin Worthen, BYU’s President and Papa, recently announced that BYU will be transitioning back to full-time online in response to the rising gas prices. According to Worthen, there will be no in-person classes until it is “financially” safe to return to campus.

“We have a lot of students who drive all the way from Orem just to get to class. We have to support our students and staff above all else,” Worthen said in his press conference. During the press conference, one brave reporter questioned if utilizing the bus system would be an effective strategy for helping students get to class. In response, Worthen gave this matter-of-fact statement.

“Buses? Who takes the bus? Only total losers that’s who. You wouldn’t catch me dead in one of those things.”

This controversial announcement caused mixed reactions among the students and staff. While some were happy that they could save some money by staying at home, others did not respond so positively.

“We have to go back to online classes?” struggling Freshman Johnalee Jones told the Alternate Universe. “I just figured out where the Eyring Building was…”

According to President Worthen, this change will stay in affect until the prices start to drop or everyone transfers to UVU. Only time will tell if these changes will actually help BYU students in the long run. Just like the COVID-19 response, this plan should definitely work. Right?