‘Confusing’ JKB Converted Into Mini-Golf Course

Everybody’s 7th favorite building on campus just got a new makeover.

Heavily influenced by the constant complaints and confusion centered around wayward ramps, the Jesse Knight Building has recently been converted into a state-of-the-art mini golf course.

”I was just about to finish my engineering degree until I saw this change,” uninspired Lucas Byers told the Alternate Universe. “I was inspired to change my major to Mini-Golf at the last second. It is so much more useful! Do you know how many mini-golf courses there are in America? I’m gonna say at least 10.”

As this sad, lost student mentioned, BYU will offer a concurrent mini-gold major alongside this change in the fall. Surprisingly, students can complete their entire degree at an accelerated 8-year pace. Masters and Ph.D. programs have also been added to support the higher education of this extremely physically taxing sport.

This 72-hole masterpiece spans the entire building and offers various obstacles such as windmills, alligators, and summer sales bros. The classes that were once held at the JKB have now been moved to the MARB with the other ‘non-essential’ classes and majors.

To further advocate for this change, BYU paid an absurdly large chunk of cash and Cougar Tails to legendary golfer Tiger Woods to try out the course.

“The course plays very smooth,” Tiger said. “The greens are a little fast but it’s what you’d expect from such a new course.”

We asked him to further elaborate on his comments but he instead shoved another 3 cougar tails in his mouth and continued his round of mini-golf. Honestly, we respect it.

Make sure to head over to the JKB for a distraction from the imminent sadness that this terrestrial experience brings!