Heartwarming: Star Crossed Lovers From BYU Sports & ACT Prep Camps Star in Musical

Over the spring and summer semesters, BYU hosts overnight camps for high school students. From For the Strength of Youth camps (the replacement for EFY) to Sports camps to art and academic camps, there are a plethora of camps that run on and off all summer.

This last week, BYU hosted the first basketball camp of the summer as well as an ACT prep camp. While generally the different camps do not mingle too much, these two camps were housed right next to each other in Heritage Halls, causing more interaction than usual. The participants in these two camps did not get along very well, with one notable exception. High school junior Troy Bednar from the basketball camp and Gabryelleigh Monson from the ACT prep camp broke stereotypes by being each other’s C.O.W.s (crush of the week) despite the disapproval of their respective camps.

However, as the week went on, the pressure from their peers became too much to handle and Bednar and Monson had to seek shelter from the bullying and disapproval of their original camps by joining the theatre camp, also being held last week. The participants in the theatre camp realized at once that Bednar and Monson were much better than they were at the skill they had spent years developing, and cast them as the leads in their show. The week culminated in a big dance in Brigham Square where the Basketball and ACT prep camps reconciled and other students Ryan Evans and Cezoram Danforth were sent home early because of suspected homosexuality.