Amber Heard’s Lawyers Revealed to Have Graduated from University of Utah Law School

No, this isn’t hearsay, your honor.

According to attendance records that began surfacing on the internet late yesterday evening, both of Amber Heard’s lawyers- Ben Rottenborn and Elaine Bredehoft- are graduates of the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law.

This crucial piece of information may explain a lot about the proceedings of the highly popularized Amber Heard v.s. Johnny Depp court case. While it is arguable that Amber Heard may be a hard client to work with in the first place, the inability of Amber’s law team to say anything that bears any weight at all may speak to the quality of education given at their Alma Mater.

When interviewed, Rottenborn and Bredehoft went into detail about their time in law school at the University of Utah.

“In law school, we just pwayed wif bwocks. I wiked da wed and bwu ones,” testified Rottenborn. He left immediately after his comments to “go to the potty”.

“My favewit part was wecess,” said Bredehoft, with her finger in her nose. “Oh! And snack times. Mmm muffins.”

Considering these alarming testimonies, the future of this court case is not looking good for Amber Heard. However, only time will tell what the verdict will be.