Church Leaders Finally Define “Passionate Kissing”

In the For Strength of Youth pamphlet, the church directs: “before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing”. For years, this counsel has left righteous Latter-Day Saint youths and young adults scratching their heads- what qualifies as “passionate kissing”?

This morning, the First Presidency released a statement clarifying the Lord’s stance on kissing before marriage. It marked the first official instruction regarding chastity within the past 20 years.

In the message, the leaders of the church stated: “It has come to our attention that there is much confusion surrounding the Lord’s standard on pre-marital kissing. The purpose of this directive is to clarify any misunderstanding and prepare the young people of the church to live their most virtuous and chaste lives”.

The urgent necessity of the clarification seemed to be understood by the brethren, as there are many young adults who want to have fun, but only within the bounds the Lord has set.

“The previously released statement forbidding premarital “passionate kissing” can be understood in the sense that if you are feeling positive emotions while kissing someone, you should stop immediately. Attraction is reserved to be felt between a man and a woman within the bonds of matrimony.”

The statement went on to say that “this does not apply to kissing where no emotions are experienced. Intense pre-marital kissing is allowed with the understanding that no actual passion for each other is felt.”

BYU sophomore Kolbie Johns was pleased to hear his announcement.

“My parents never seem to feel anything when kissing each other, and they are married. They must be so righteous!” said Kolbie.

What will other young adults feel about this clarification by the First Presidency? Perhaps only time will tell.