BYU Student excommunicated after confessing to his Bishop that he still watches Minecraft videos

Cherd McGaulkin knew that confessing your sins was a beautiful and important part of life. It provided a fresh start and a chance to become better as a person.

But during his interview, he did not expect his Bishop to inquire of the most deadly of sin and was caught completely off guard.

“It has been a great interview,” McGaulkin recounted. “As the interview to become the ward’s hymn book coordinator finished, he boldly took my hand and stared deep into my eyes. At this point, I knew I was fricked.”

“After searching deep in his soul, I asked him ‘Do you watch Minecraft videos?’ and he immediately sprinted for the door,” Cherd’s bishop, Alan Bridges, told the Alternate Universe. “Luckily I was able to hit the maximum lockdown button before he could get away.”

The danger of watching Minecraft videos as an adult is strictly taught in our Church’s curriculum from nursery all the way to High Priests. As stated in 3 Corinthians 6:9, ‘Thou shalt only be permitted to watch Minecraft until thou reacheth the 18th year of age.’

Cherd McGaulkin, being a single 24-year-old BYU graduate in Advanced Martial Arts, clearly violated this commandment.

“All I feel is shame. I let my family down. I let my friends down. And most importantly, I let Notch down,” McGaulkin later said in an Ensign article.

McGaulkin has officially been excommunicated and has moved back into his parents house in Saratoga Springs. Waiting reinstatement and further forgiveness, Cherd has begun to film his own Minecraft videos as a way to “release the stress”. According to the church’s policy, there is no commandment against making your own videos as long as you don’t watch them.