Dark History of 224th Ward Revealed: The Only Ward to Ever Meet in the Testing Center

Because of the sheer amount of BYU student wards, YSA wards meet in almost every building on campus. That is, except for the testing center. However, that was not always the case. Although having been shrouded in mystery for years, the Alternate Universe’s investigative journalism team is finally bringing to light the dark history of the Provo 224th YSA ward.

It was a dark and stormy Sunday morning when the 224th ward met its imminent demise. The students belonging to the ward had all gathered for sacrament meeting in the Heber J. Grant building, more commonly known as the testing center. Everything seemed normal- the desks were full of chattering students waiting for the meeting to begin while attempting to avoid their ministering assignments.

As the Bishop stood up to begin the meeting, the Sunday School presidency began passing out flyers for the upcoming ward brunch. However it did not take long for the students to discover, to their shock and horror, that the flyers were not flyers, but bubble sheets. Before they could flee in fear, the prelude music crashed to a halt and was replaced with an impending sense of doom.

The Bishopric’s wives slammed the doors shut and the ward missionaries threw number 2 pencils at the terrified students. It was in this trapped and helpless state that the Bishop finally passed out the greatest horror of them all: an American Heritage midterm. After 14 hours of torturous, involuntary test taking, the ward was finally released. Every student present that day immediately dropped out of BYU, left the church, and became drug dealers. This haunting story has been buried by the administration for too long, but the Alternate Universe hopes bringing it to light will finally bring some justice for the victims of this horrendous travesty.