Ministering Rates Mysteriously Increase on Super Bowl Sunday

As Super Bowl Sunday is upon us once again, we can finally enjoy the culmination of years training from athletes who are, and will always be, better than you.

But on this year’s Super Bowl Sunday, you can look forward to a visit from people who are not, and will never be, better than you: your ministers.

The Church has noticed a strange trend in recent years concerning the timing of when ministering brothers and sisters visit their assigned families. There seems to be no significant increase in visits except for the week after general conference and Super Bowl Sunday.

“I have to keep on explaining to my son the importance of visiting teach…uh I mean ministering,” local dad of 23 children, Joseph Furrow, told the Alternate Universe. “Super Bowl Sunday is the only day I can get little Ronald to get off his Fortnite and come ministering with me.”

“The Johnsons make the sickest Buffalo Chicken Dip,” little Ronald, ministering genius, explained to the Alternate Universe.

This killing-two-birds-with-one-stone approach has become a popular trend across the globe. In other parts of the world, ministering rates skyrocket during the World Cup, Summer Olympics, and Eurovision.

“We’re not too worried about this trend,” director of ministering, Geoffrey R. Halland told us. “We would do ANYTHING for people to actually do their ministering. And let me reiterate: ANYTHING.”

So on this Super Bowl Sunday , keep your eye for your ministers. As they take all the nachos and slam them on their plate, just remind yourself that they’re doing the Lord’s work.