Cannon Center to Install Actual Cannon

As efforts increase to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, BYU’s Cannon Center has taken a revolutionary approach to social distancing and public safety with the installation of a real cannon. Imported from England, the cannon will be loaded with food and fired at the hungry students.

Kate Anderson, head manager of the Cannon Center, described the process of this new decision to The Alternate Universe in an exclusive interview.

“We needed a way to get food to our students without recklessly exposing our staff to Covid. This was the perfect solution.”

She also described how the Cannon would change the way that students pay for and order food.

“Students can now choose to pay for how much food they get. They simply pay for the number of times they will stand in front of the cannon as it fires to collect food.”

Jarom Christensen, a freshman, is also excited about the new development.

“This is just like my American Heritage class where we’re talking about the Revolutionary War! Maybe tomorrow they’ll have us dump the drink machines into the duck pond to recreate the Boston Tea Party.”

The Cannon Center expects to keep the cannon throughout the duration of the pandemic, if not beyond if it ends up being a favorite among the students.