Top 5 Best Places to Break Up in Provo

Breaking up is hard. Make it a little bit easier by planning to have “the talk” at one of these sensible locations.


5. Costco Food Court

This low-key venue is an excellent space to talk about your most vulnerable and guarded feelings. Plus, who could be mad with a chicken bake in their mouth?

4.  The Bus

Nothing says “I still care about you, but not that much” like a public bus ride. If they’re getting more defensive than expected, just get off at the next stop.

3. Glenwood Hot Tub

This communal bathtub is so public that it’s perfect for a private conversation. When the moment is right, tell them you’re just not feeling the heat anymore.

2. Provo City Center Temple

This masterpiece of modern architecture is the perfect place to let them know you want them in your life for time and all eternity- as a friend.

1. Learning Suite DMs

If you’re just better at articulating yourself through writing, there’s nothing wrong with sliding into their DMs. Let them know you just don’t love them anymore but would really appreciate their notes from last class.