BYU: Center of the Cosmoverse?

Early Friday morning BYU awoke to a strange sight: multiple versions of Cosmo spotted around campus. So far there have been reports of six or seven different Cosmos, and The Alternate Universe has even managed to capture pictures of five variations which we have included below.

U of U Cosmo:

Spotted near the Brigham Young statue, this Cosmo was making the U of U hand signal to those passing by.

Emo Cosmo:

Hanging in the depths of the HFAC, Emo Cosmo was seen listening to MCR and trying to find pink hair dye.

ExMo Cosmo:

The first thing ExMo Cosmo did was go straight to get coffee across the street.

Cougar Cosmo:

Last seen headed towards the mountain, we think this mountain lion is a variation of Cosmo from another universe. But it could just be a cougar.

Cosmo Smith:

Students say he’s been hanging near his namesake, the JSB, all morning handing out copies of the Book of Mormon.


No one knows where these Cosmos came from, though many suspect the opening of the Cosmoverse.

Juliegh Frank, a sophomore, described her theories.

“Maybe they’re all here from their own universes to solve some sort of problem or fight some sort of villain. I just wish it was Andrew Garfield.”

Although a villain has yet to appear, it could be in the books for today.

The appearance of these Cosmos also calls begs the question, is Cosma really from our Earth, or is she just another variation from the Cosmoverse?