Kevin Worthen Found Alone, Crying Under the Mistletoe

Papa Kev is down bad

As you have most likely seen by now, recent pictures have been revealed of honor-code abiding Pete Davidson and the most powerful person at BYU, Peggy Worthen, chatting it up court side at a recent BYU basketball game.

Whether this is Davidson’s way of beating the admissions process or just another stop on his quest to date every woman in the galaxy, the news of the alleged power couple spread like wildfire.

All of our readers were astounded to hear the news, especially the President of BYU himself who happens to be our most active reader.

After hours of missed calls and unanswered texts, Kev-Daddy decided to sulk against the wall. Unfortunately, he choose the one wall where he had previously hung the mistletoe hours earlier. Unsurprisingly, the paparazzi who always waits outside of Worthen’s home jumped on the moment of vulnerability and scored another juicy picture (See above).

Reports say that Worthen stayed under the mistletoe for upwards of 6 hours until Peggy came back from “a long day of work”.

“I feel bad for the guy,” Louis Bloom, the stellar photographer behind both viral pictures. “You can tell he’s going through something. But sadly, I got a job to do. Maybe someone else can try to go land one on him tonight. I’ll be sure to take that picture too.”

President Worthen declined to offer a comment and said he was too busy “constructing his Lego Death Star”.

If you or a loved one has ever had your heart broken by a Utah Girl, you can call 1-605-475-6968 to see if you’re eligible for financial compensation. #kevinstrong