Elderly Speakers at Conference too Cold

After suffering through the first session in an air-conditioned building, the octogenarian and nonagenarian speakers gave up on looking dapper in their tailored suits and sought warmth in any way possible. 

“We weren’t really expecting the temperature to drop so quickly after the nice weather we’ve been having, so we didn’t switch over to heating yet,” said Taylor Taylorsen, General Conference support staff. 

Taylorsen’s team had to work quickly to fix the problem before the second session, and after they realized the heat wouldn’t turn on, they had to get creative. 

“For some reason, my idea of lighting a trashcan fire was shot down,” Taylorsen explained, “so we passed out hand warmer packets instead.”

The quorum members themselves, reportedly having little faith in Taylorsen, busted out their own blankets, hats, and mittens. 

President Nelson said that once he was equipped with his Snuggie he felt prepared to continue with the afternoon session. “I’m old, no longer cold, and ready to bring sheep to the fold.”

Some of the younger staff members reported that “It was literally 73 degrees in there, I don’t know how they thought it was cold.”