Ex-mormon who was successfully unvaccinated now considering revaccination over love of FDA

Ex-Mormon Allie Jones made headlines when she announced her successful reverse of her vaccine, her “unvaccination”, much to the bewilderment of medical professionals and the dismay of family and friends.

Following the FDA’s full approval on August 23, Allie was faced with a choice tougher than anything she has ever experienced before. While everyone in Allie’s circle has long been frequently reminded about her being ex-Mormon, most were surprised to learn that she has been a lifelong FDA super-fan.

Kaytie Jepperson, Allie’s best friend, said  “When the FDA gave their seal of approval for the Pfizer, I instantly felt nauseous knowing that Allie would have to take a side on the two most important values she holds – her relentless desire to spite the LDS church or her fierce loyalty to the FDA.”

The medical community have declined to comment, likely speechless that an unprecedented “revaccination” could happen so soon following the world’s first “unvaccination.”

“I’m tired of people treating my strong feelings for the FDA like it’s some kind of joke, or that it’s ‘just a phase.’” said Allie, “People need to stop booing. There’s nothing wrong with it. There are dozens of us… dozens!”

“I’m just happy that the vaccine is back on the table.” Said Jennifer Jones, Allie’s mother.

No official decision has been reached so far by Ms. Jones. Only time will tell if we see new ripples in the medical world or the only unvaccinated case remains that way.