“I mostly have in-person classes because I work too hard compiling cute outfits to only have my head and shoulders show in. a Zoom class. Although, I do have one evening class that meets over Zoom so I can be on the video call when I’m walking home alone at night so I don’t get attacked. Or at least if I do, REL A 121 will be able to pray that I’ll be okay.”
Abishana Brown – Thrift Store Connoisseur
“I can not believe that they are still offering online classes, they totally ruin the hype of saying you go to school at BYU. To truly be a BYU student you need to be in Provo everyday having the real experience.”
Harrison Rowley – Apparently unaware of BYU-I, BYU Hawaii, BYU Jerusalem Center, BYU Salt Lake Center, BYU Independent Study, and BYU-Pathways
“I’m still waiting for classes where the Spirit just teaches you the material directly and you don’t have to go anywhere or do any homework.”
Steve Franson – Would like to fully take advantage of personal revelation