Elderly BYU Education Week Attendees Kicked Out After Throwing Massive Parties on Campus

Seventy-year-old Eldon Allred and a number of his “education week homies” were asked to leave after nightly parties became an issue.

“I was just trying to relive my glory days at BYU,” Allred said. “Take some classes, drink some chocolate milk, and party like it’s 1969.”

BYU administration said that they “obviously” had to ask Allred to leave. Citing not only noise issues and dangers with COVID-19, but also saying that, “it’s not really what education week is about.”

Many others there for Education Week weighed in on the situation.

“I don’t see why we shouldn’t be able to enjoy ourselves,” said seventy-four-year-old Mary-Ellen Gardner. “If I’m going to die, then I’m going to die.”

Sixty-eight-year-old Joann Talbot felt differently saying that, “the parties are annoying and irresponsible.” and that she “wasn’t invited, but that has nothing to do with it.”

Regardless of opinion on the parties, BYU administration is looking forward to putting Education Week, and its attendees’ lack of COVID guideline attendance, behind them. “It will be good when we’re back to having our students, who will definitely follow all of the guidelines.”