President Worthen plans to cook, knit, and more after being released as Area Authority

Last week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints announced the release of 66 area seventies, one of which happened to be BYU’s own fearless leader President Kevin “The Rock” Worthen.

As Kevin’s call to the clergy comes to a close, he finds himself with one too many doors open. What time he used to spend in the work of the Lord, he’s now faced with filling in other ways. Some of Kevin’s pastimes include:

1. Starting a cooking show

Kevin says that one perk of a lighter workload is getting to ditch all the quick crockpot meals! He now has time to dive into the culinary arts, an untapped passion he has had since boyhood. Kevin is sharing his journey and inspiring others with his new cooking show “KevKev CookCook”, airing on BYUtv this September. Kevin reports he has also had time to finally clean out Peggy’s spice cabinet.

“Who knew we had so much turmeric!” says Kevin, referring to the excessive amount of turmeric Peggy has in her spice cabinet.

2. Knitting a Sweater for Every Honors Student              

Kevin was spotted at Hobby Lobby on Tuesday with spindles upon spindles of blue and white yarn in his cart. When approached about his peculiar purchase, Kevin responded with plans to hand knit a cozy sweater for each and every one of “BYU’s elect”.

3. Refreshing His Inbox 

Kevin has refreshed his inbox 37 times in the last two minutes and still does not have any emails from Jeffrey R. Holland. He fears their friendship is growing apart already.

4. Petting Unadopted Cats at the Animal Shelter

Despite his serious allergies to cats, Kevin donates his time giving love and affection to cats young and old that have yet to be adopted from Provo’s animal shelter. He hopes this good deed will help him continue to grow into the person he felt he was becoming.

5. Running a Grandpa Blog

Kevin is keeping home and family at the center of his life by reviving his BlogSpot blog dedicated to chronicling his experiences with grandfatherhood. Before his call to be an Area Seventy, he had thousands of page visits a day and hundreds of faithful readers. The blog is regaining popularity at swift speeds, many users say they are happy to have “TempleWorthen55” back online.

All in all, Kevin is doing his best to pass the time and numb the pain. If you see him on campus, tell him you are grateful for his service and that everything is going to be okay.