Missionaries Teach Investigator about the Greatest Commandments

Last Thursday, missionaries conducted a baptismal interview. It was very sacred up until the point where they talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy. Elder Klondike and Elder Young saw an opportunity to turn it into a lesson about prioritizing commandments.

“We love Rob, and we know that he is ready, but as soon as we mentioned the Sabbath day, he got unusually excited. He informed us that he had been wanting to open a fast food franchise, preferably Chick-fil-a, but all the neighbors in his small town wanted McDonald’s. His rival drug dealer, Dave, started a petition to make it a McDonald’s,” says Elder Klondike. 

“If I am a member of the Church, I can make it Chick-fil-a because they are closed on Sunday,” says Rob. “This is all part of a strategy to take my clients away from Dave. When they cannot have fast food on Sunday, they will want drugs instead, which I will sell out of the drive-thru window for efficiency and convenience. Take that, Dave!”

“We appreciate his enthusiasm for the Sabbath day, but we think that there is a higher-priority commandment. Jesus said His second greatest commandment is to love thy neighbors, so I say, let the neighbors make it a McDonald’s and then frame Dave for selling drugs so that he will go to jail instead of Rob. Then all the clients are now Rob’s,” says Elder Young.

After Elder Young told Rob of his better idea, Rob learned a great lesson–that the best commandment is to love God, and the second best commandment is to love thy neighbors. The Sabbath day is still great, but it’s not nearly as important. Rob is getting baptized next month, and he has already successfully framed Dave.