Utah Mom Shares Modified Modest Olympic Outfits

The 2020 Olympic games began July 23, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan. The Olympics bring together the world’s finest athletes and winners generally regarded as the champions in their sport for the four-year period following their triumph. Many families and individuals have the tradition of watching the games together.

One Utah mom, however, has doubts about how family-friendly the games really are. “I’m not sure if I want my kids to watch them this year, or even if I’ll watch them myself,” said Brielleleigh Monson. “I love seeing the different sports and supporting the dedication of these athletes, but I can’t stand some of the outfits. They’re just so immodest! Nearly every one of these nice young women has their shoulders showing. I don’t want my kids to think that is acceptable.”

Instead of simply replacing all electronic devices with copies of For the Strength of Youth for the weeks of the games, Monson has taken a solution into her own hands. “I have some experience altering clothes, you should see what I did for my daughter Madilynly’s prom dress!” (Pictured below)

Monson has created several designs for new, more modest, Olympic uniforms and posted them on her Instagram.

All 47 of her followers have praised her work, and are petitioning the International Olympic Committee to halt the games in order to implement her suggestions. One follower, Pinterest influencer and Ward Young Women President Sally Walston, is rumored to have commended Monson’s work and agrees that girls should cover up more during the games, “as long as those nice young men who swim don’t have to put their shirts back on.”