President Kevin J. Worthen Unfollows The Alternate Universe After Activism Effort

The Alternate Universe, Provo’s finest news publication, is well known for its high quality content and reliable coverage of current events. With nearly 4,000 Instagram followers, the Alternate Universe has far surpassed the popularity of BYU’s “official” news source, the Daily Universe.

However, truth is not always popular, and standing up for those being discriminated against is often even less so. Yesterday, the Alternate Universe published an article bringing awareness to the injustice certain students are facing on campus as BYU continues its refusal to officially recognize the BYU Virginity Club. This type of article is always met with controversy, but the Alternate Universe believes strongly that standing up for these poor, sad virgins is worth the backlash.

One unanticipated consequence, however, has deeply hurt the Alternate Universe team and shaken trust in the administration of our fine university. At approximately 11:45 am on Monday, July 26, President Kevin J. Worthen (@kevinjworthen) unfollowed @alternateuniversebyu on Instagram.

Outrage from Alternate Universe readers was immediate. “It’s just not fair for Kevin to turn his back on these poor students and the gracious reporters trying to help bring awareness to their cause,” commented Instagrammer Sawyer Young. “How many times are we gonna have to watch you get absolutely smashed by the administration??”

At the time of publication, President Worthen was unavailable for comment as he was desperately trying to remember the password to his finsta account, @basicprovobro, to unfollow the Alternate Universe there as well.