Utah Teen: EFY Last Week Was a Movie!

Kapp Reisen tells all about the cinematic experience of having roommates, crying during a testimony meeting, and holding his COWs’ hand.

“It was so perfect like it literally felt unreal,” said Reisen, who went on to talk about how cool his EFY “crew” was, and how well they suited various character archetypes.

“Obviously I would be the main character, Weston is the funny one who shows surprising insight during the fireside, and Jeremy is the one with a troubled home life.”

Reisen’s crush of the week, or COW, Hannah Lynn felt similarly about the experience. “You honestly can’t write a love story this good.” She continued, “I mean, we locked eyes during orientation and I just knew right at that moment.” 

The touching romance, which ended with Reisen’s pragmatic declaration that he wasn’t planning on steady dating until after his mission, but that she could write to him, is truly one for the ages.

Reisen and Lynn are both looking forward to applying to BYU in the desperate hope of reliving the glory days of their Provo EFY, so their entire college experience can be like a movie.