Apostle Book Club Ends after Oaks Repeatedly Suggests They Read the Constitution

The monthly General Authority book club met its end last week, after Oak’s book of the month idea was rejected for a ninth and final time and he quit. The club was then “not the same without him” and dissolved shortly thereafter.

Oak’s fellow club members had a variety of reasons for not wanting to spend the month reading and discussing the four-page document, “This is a book club, not a middle school civics class,” said Elder Ballard.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf put his opinion more succinctly, “I’m German.”

Some in the club felt that things were heading this way from the start. Elder Stevenson said that he didn’t care for most of the suggestions made, “I don’t want to read the constitution, the Book of Abraham, or a depressing book about World War II.” and that he would rather they just read “the latest John Grisham novel.”

For all its faults, Russell M. Nelson is, “sad to see the book club go” as it was one of the few times he was able to see his friends. “Maybe I can get everyone to come over for a game night sometime instead.”