Utah Couple Provides First Alternate Option “Both” on Viral Instagram Account “Siblings or Dating”

Plain, simple, mostly white, and all from the same line. No- we’re not talking about the Hanes aisle in Walmart. We’re talking about the Smith Family reunion, where 20-year-old Taylee Smith had the misfortune of finding her long-time boyfriend of three months at the same event.

Discovering a shared connection is a tender moment for every couple. But a shared lineage dating back to a single man in the mid-1800s might just reach a new, extreme level of intimacy. 

According to the Utah couple, their union will only be an example of marriage in the most traditional sense, and nothing to be ashamed of. That’s right- Taylee Smith is expecting to become Mrs. Smith in the near future. 

“I didn’t really think much of it considering ten percent of the population has my same last name,” explained boyfriend Beckett Smith. “We’re still going ring shopping next week. What can I say, we just have so much in common!”

Their confidence would remain strong despite being exposed on the viral Instagram account “Siblings or Dating?” which lets followers guess if two people are siblings or dating. Beckett and Taylee’s status was a first for the account, providing a third, alternate answer of both: “distantly related and willfully dating.”

“You’d think people obsessed with family history would be a little more cautious,” said the bride-to-be’s father Richard Smith. “That being said, they have my blessing.”

One great, big, happy family. The Smith line lives on!