New Church Shoe “High Heelys” Utah’s Hottest Trend

As summer fads in Utah continue to come and go, there’s one trend that has been on a roll for weeks. On June 1st, Heelys released a new church shoe by the name of “High Heelys”, deviating from their regular look for something more high fashion. With a 3-inch heel fastened to a 1-inch wheel, it’s the shoe that is turning stake dances into skate dances.

These shoes seem to be popular for more reasons than their aesthetic- female members of the church find themselves able to be on time to more of their church meetings when wearing high heelys.

“I used to walk into sacrament meeting 5 minutes late without fail, every week. Now I can skate by with 3 minutes before the meeting starts!” says Makylie Smith, FHE mom.

Another reason that these shoes are so hot right now may be due to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ public support for them. In fact, Heelys’ biggest stockholder as of this month is the church.

“These modest roller skates allow women in the church the capacity to serve more swiftly than ever before. “Put your shoulder to the wheel” has now taken on a deeper meaning,” says Sheri Dew, a well-known female leader in the church.

If you were hoping to get yourself a pair of high heelys anytime soon, good luck. As of right now, they are completely sold out of every store in the state of Utah. Maybe check Idaho- they are against the BYU-I honor code because pretty much everything is against the BYU-I honor code.