Gov. Cox Beats Up Intruder with a Broom—Turns Out to be Kevin Worthen Dressed as Batman.

It is no secret Governor Cox and his pal, Kevin Worthen, are cosplay buddies.  They hang out every Saturday planning their costumes.  Last Friday, however, Cox was in for an unpleasant surprise.  At his vacation home, Cox stumbled upon an intruder, who he promptly hit with a broom.

Screeching like a pencil on a chalkboard, Worthen turned to face Cox and proceeded to flap his cape up and down, running in circles.  The extraordinary moment was captured on a camera, but the bat is invisible because whoever was filming was taping with an Android.

“I feel so hurt and betrayed by Kevin,” says Cox.  “We were boy scouts together back in the day, but now all he does is brood around in his costume, inconveniencing me at the worst possible times.  A couple of weeks ago, Kevin dropped by to wish me luck on my coronavirus speech, but all he did was perch like a bat behind me, wherever I went.  I would place a restraining order, but I wouldn’t do that to a friend.”

When asked why Batman, Worthen answered, “Batman is very wise.  I also have huge pecs and a nine-pack.  Yeah, I’ve got an extra ab,” quoting the Lego Batman Movie.  “Just joking,” he adds, “this is extremely awkward.  However, we are going to designate Batman Day at BYU, a day before Spring Day so that students actually get a spring break.  Why?  Because professors deserve a break.”

Hopefully Cox and Worthen will be able to heal this rift soon.