The Living Scriptures producing a Godfather spin-off called “The Goodfather”, Focused on Lehi and his family

The Living Scriptures revealed this week on their MySpace page that they have begun filming their spin-off of the critically acclaimed trilogy, “The Godfather”. Instead of a plot-driven by mafia activity and murder, “The Goodfather” will focus on Lehi’s family and their journey to the promised land- with just a little bit of murder.

Al Pacino, who plays lead Michael Corleone in the original Godfather film will be directing this film. When asked why he would take such a project, he gave these insights. 

“When The Living Scriptures originally came to me with this idea, I thought they were crazy. But when I thought about how amazing Lehi would look with a fedora, suit, and a Tommy gun – I was hooked.”

When asked about financial compensation for his work, Pacino simply raised his shoulders and said, “They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

The Alternative Universe has received various reports that Pacino has taken a lot of creative liberty with his film and will likely be given an R rating.

“The Goodfather” will be set in 1950s  New York City and will include many familiar faces such as Ishmael, Laban, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and many others.

So far we only know that instead of the Brass Plates, Lehi’s sons are tasked to go back to get the Family’s Secret Pizza Sauce Recipe. Further details of the film have not yet been released.