BYU Allows In-Person Club Meetings Again, Masks Make “Mustache Brotherhood” Meetings More Awkward than Ever

At long last, BYU is allowing clubs to meet in person again. This announcement has been music to the ears of many student-led organizations, with Cosplay Club more excited than all clubs combined. However, due to COVID restrictions such as mask-wearing still being enforced, some clubs are realizing that now is still not their time. 

BYU Mustache Brotherhood is one such club. Started in 2017, the club was created to allow male BYU students of many shaped and colored staches a safe place to celebrate manhood and upper-lip facial hair. They met in person for the first time in a year on Wednesday. Unfortunately, the meeting turned out to be more than disappointing.

Mustache Brotherhood president Howie Handlebar opened up about what threw the club for a loop. 

“At our meetings before COVID, we’d groom each other’s staches and talk about manly stuff like spicy buffalo wings and swiss army knives. With masks on, it’s just not the same.”

Brian Beard, who has been working on his fu manchu for quite some time now, agreed wholeheartedly. 

“We had to keep our stupid masks on, so we just described to each other what our staches looked like for 45 minutes. Like sissies.”

But, boys will be boys. They may have had to mask their faces, but not their manhood. They soon took the meeting to a secondary zoom location and held what they call a “stachion show”, showcasing each man’s Mustache.

Mustache Brotherhood members would be assured to know they aren’t the only ones still caught in the crossfire of the pandemic. BYU Hug Club reported problems starting up again due to the fact that many members have forgotten how to hug.