BYU Struggles to Spin Recent Y Lighting

BYU’s “Rainbow Day” came to a grand conclusion last Thursday with a rainbow lit ‘Y’ in support of LGBTQ+ students…or did it?

After facing heavy criticism online for their initial response, University Communications is now attempting to reframe the purpose behind the recent ‘Y’ lighting. 

The Alternate Universe was fortunate enough to bully a BYU social media intern into leaking a few of the University’s ideas. To name a few: the rainbow ‘Y’ was in observance of a newly founded “Noah’s Ark Appreciation Day”, maybe an early Saint Patrick’s Day celebration, or even “just an illusion of the moonlight.” 

The anonymous intern stated University Communications was willing to go so far to dress up President Worthen as a leprechaun for their devised plans. However, it seems there is nothing BYU can do to spin the story in their favor- despite further attempts to address the situation. 

“Nonetheless, we hear you and love you. This has been a real eye opener for the BYU administration and community, and we take full responsibility,” said University Communications in a campus-wide email. “We now see the Y is far too easy to hike and will be relocated to a higher, steeper, more difficult area of the mountain.”

Todd Edwards, Director of University Relations, additionally clarified the somewhat confusing statement from BYU.

“The important thing is to always put your mental health first,” he aggressively smiled. “Sleep well knowing you are loved and we will find a way to rectify any transgressions that may or may not have taken place. And it’s actually very possible we did authorize it- we just have to find an angle first.”