Opinion: The Umbrella Thing Was Very Cool and Based Actually

BYU student John Bell, also known as @thedanitebowieknife on Twitter, shared his thoughts on Color the Campus, and surrounding events that took place yesterday. 

“Not that I pay attention to these things, but it feels like wearing clothes with a clear political agenda doesn’t have a place on campus.” he added that “BYU is supposed to be a safe space for members, but stuff like this makes it seem like not everyone has the exact same thoughts and opinions as me.”

Bell also talked about students who wore BYU gear and carried umbrellas as a counter-demonstration to the event. 

“I personally only had an umbrella on me today because I thought it was going to rain, but I totally wish I had stood with the seven people gathered reading the Family Proclamation, because they looked super cool.”

He continued, saying, “Sure, it’s cool to laugh at them or whatever, but from a totally unbiased perspective, aren’t they 100% right and also very good at making memes?”

Canyon Brigham, who is in the same Foundations of the Restoration class as Bell, said, “Yeah,  John was definitely a part of the ‘counter-protest.’” He added, “I literally saw him printing flyers in the library last week.” 

Brigham said that Bell “has a whole thing” about “taking back BYU.”

“He’s always sending photoshopped pictures of President Oaks with glowing eyes to everyone on Learning Suite, I don’t really get it.” 

In response to the events on campus, BYU officials made a statement clarifying that they did not make a statement.