BYU Offers Each Student One Free Taco Bell Baja Blast Freeze to Compensate for Canceled Summer Study Abroad Programs

Early last week, BYU International Study released their decision to once again cancel all Summer study abroad programs due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Unsurprisingly, this announcement has left many students grieved, as they pack away their sombreros and chopsticks for a later day. In response to the low spirits, the International Study Program pulled some strings and came up with their idea of a compensation gift.

The BYU Kennedy Center has partnered with the Wilk Taco Bell to offer every student at BYU one free Baja Blast freeze, valid through August 15th, 2021. They believe it will help numb the pain of lost hopes, but in a way that also offers a culturally immersive experience.

International Study Programs director Lynn Elliott reports this idea came to him in a burst of inspiration. “I’d always been impressed with the selection of authentic cuisine in the Wilk. I was in line to order a Crunchwrap Supreme® and the light bulb just went off. We can bring the culture to them.”

“I just love how- ope, BRAIN FREEZE”, says President Worthen, who had just cashed in his coupon for a free freeze. 

While some are praising the International Study Program, most students still seem disgruntled.

“I can’t post this on my instagram,” says Tyler Dean, an aspiring influencer with almost 800 followers. “I was counting on pictures with African orphans.”

Despite the free freeze, many students echo Tyler’s sentiment, worrying over where their personality is going to come from in Fall 2021. 

A survey reports that most students who were planning on studying abroad are now signing to sell pest control this Summer in exotic places like Texas and Nevada.