Timeline for the Next Pandemic

The year is 2025, just a year after the Covid-19 pandemic ended.  There is, however, a new pandemic because that’s just life.


March 13th, 2025:

A weird meteor strikes near Provo.


March 14th, 2025:

Cosmo licks it to see what it tastes like.


March 21st, 2025:

Cosmo falls ill with mysterious condition.


March 22nd, 2025:

Cosmo throws up blue foam on 50 students.


March 23rd, 2025:

There are 50 reported cases of this mysterious illness.  A list comes out with the symptoms–a strange affinity for the color blue, wearing only blue, looking blue, and feeling blue.  Oh yeah, and mild nausea with blue foam barf.


March 24th, 2025:

150 reported cases, state of Utah issues warning.


March 26th, 2025:

First death.  Don’t worry, it’s not Cosmo.  And the person who died didn’t even have this infection.  We do not know why this is recorded on the timeline.


Later in March 26th, 2025:

Cosmo does die, but it’s from something else.  That something else?  It’s classified.


April 26th, 2025:

Nobody can count the number of cases because blue has become the trend.  If you are not wearing BYU blue, then you are no longer cool.  


May 19th, 2025:

The entire world is wearing BYU blue, and no one knows what to do.  


May 20th, 2025:

People start collecting the blue foam barf.  A few blue foam cults start to arise.


June 12th, 2025: 

Covid-19 outbreak starts at a blue foam convention.


August 19th, 2025

Covid-19 is a pandemic again and will be until the Second Coming.


We interviewed Bessie Andersen, one of several people who are visiting from the future.  This is all they had to say about the future because it is mostly uneventful except for this.  Bessie says, “Nothing much happens in the future except for this.  Oh, except for the Second Coming.  Almost forgot about that.”

“It all started when Cosmo licked the meteorite and threw up blue foam on innocent students.  Now the world has fallen into an obsession with the color blue,” says Jack Larsen, also from the future.

Yes, these people are telling the truth. We know these people are from the future because their clothes are blue which matches their story.