Missionaries Dress Up as the Elderly, Attempt to Get COVID Vaccine, Wanted a Swift Return to Knocking Doors

Two missionaries serving in the Utah St. George Mission were caught stealing the identities of their elderly neighbors in order to get their hands on the coveted Covid vaccine. 

Dressed in clothes from their church’s lost and found collection, Elder Young and Elder Brigham attempted to visit their local clinic to receive the vaccine as their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Lightman. Their disguises worked well enough to convince the workers that they were, in fact, the Lightmans. The missionaries went so far as to bake Mrs. Lightman’s Famous Broccoli and Cheese Soup and share it with the local workers.

According to local authorities, the missionaries were only caught because Elder Young started preaching to other people in the lobby. Eye-witnesses claim that Elder Young went as far as to climb up on the coffee table and begin calling all in the room to repentance after a heated discussion with someone sitting next to him. 

The police came shortly after to detain the two missionaries and they are currently held at $1,000,000 bail. 

When asked about their actions, the local missionaries attempted to explain their thought process.

“We were only trying to help people,” said Elder Brigham. “We wanted to get the vaccine so we could talk to people in the streets again. No one wanted to talk with us before the pandemic but these masks have made it that much more difficult. We had the lowest numbers in the zone and we were desperate.”

“We never lied once!” Elder Young told the Alternate Universe. “They asked if we were an elderly couple and we told them that we were…in a way.”

The Church does not plan on paying for bail at this time and these missionaries are currently facing three life-sentences for their actions.