As supply of the COVID-19 vaccine increases, more and more people are having the opportunity to be vaccinated. For the most effective protection from the virus, two doses are required. Side effects can include swelling, fever, and running into the guy you ghosted. We sat down with BYU student Mikahla Waters for a first hand account.
“I was thrilled to get my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine a few weeks ago but I am dreading getting my second dose.” Waters related. “When I got my first dose, the guy that gave me the vaccine asked for my number and we went out on a date. And he’s a nice guy, really, but no one can compare to my boyfriend- sorry technically ex-boyfriend. We broke up before his mission but I’m still so in love with him and I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
Waters admitted to “ghosting” the unlucky vaccinator by ignoring all his messages and blocking him on mutual. “I was doing great at avoiding the situation until I realized I’d have to go back to get another dose of the vaccine. What am I going to do? What if I see him? That’d be so awkward and would completely defeat the purpose of ghosting.”
Although still not decided on a course of action, Waters shared some of her initial ideas for solutions including legally changing her name and dying her hair or purposefully contracting COVID-19.