Engineering Department Develops “Blue Light” Glasses for Seeing Romantic Compatibility


The engineering school at BYU has developed a product inspired by blue light glasses.  These glasses are designed to show compatibility in a potential partner.  When the wearer puts them on, they can see percentage signs floating above people’s heads that show their compatibility.  People who are married get a big red “X” above their heads.  People who are dating someone get an orange “X.”  

“I just found out that my crush of three semesters is already married!” says Christina Johnson, who beta tested this product.  “I’m so glad I did not embarrass myself by flirting.”

An additional feature of these compatibility glasses is that they work through Zoom and Facetime.  “They sure make those boring online meetings so much more interesting,” says Ben Sorensen.  “I asked a girl out via the Zoom group chat, and she said yes!”

Zach and Emma met while Emma was taking notes on her compatibility reads.  “Most of the guys I had around a 40 to 60 percent compatibility with, but with Zach, I had a 97 percent reading!”  

Zach says, “She’s hot.”

They had already planned several dates; however, as soon as Emma put on her glasses at the restaurant, she saw a better-looking guy with a 99 percent compatibility rating.  Now she is having second thoughts.  “I was unsure of the choice I made to go on more dates with Zach,” she reports.  “The other guy in the restaurant looked so much better, and we have a higher compatibility.  I eventually told Zach I was going to the bathroom, but I dropped my number off at the other guy’s table.  I am still waiting for him to call.”

There is some skepticism surrounding these glasses.  Jack Jackson saw that his compatibility with his girlfriend is only an orange “X.”  “Screw it,” he says, “These glasses do not work.”

Chris Smith, the main designer behind these glasses, says, “They are intended for the initial meeting with someone.  The orange ‘X’ is because someone is dating someone, and that someone is likely you.  Don’t worry if you see an ‘X’ above your significant other.”

Hopefully these glasses will help people avoid awkward conversations in the future.  As for now, they seem to be working splendidly.