BYU Student Claims She is Being Stalked by Her Ministering Sisters

Maggie Olsen, of the Provo YSA 185th ward, said that her new ministering sisters seemed a little off when she first met them, but that she chalked it up to them being “homeschooled or something.”

When they first started “ministering” to her, Olsen said it was similarly disconcerting. “I thought it was weird when the cookies they brought me tasted exactly like my mother’s recipe, but I told myself it must just be a coincidence.”

According to Olsen, the behavior escalated from there. “I started seeing them everywhere on campus, waving at me from across the hall, holding the door open for me, paying for my food at the Cougareat.” She added, “Everywhere I turned, there they were, they must have gotten a hold of my class schedule.”

Olsen’s Bishop told her that his “hands were tied” and that it “wasn’t a crime to hold the door open for someone.”

Things came to a head over the weekend when Olsen was on her way back from visiting family out of state. “My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, and it was dark, and I see car lights come on behind me, and it was them, my ministering sisters.” 

“I was literally in Wyoming, why on Earth were they there?” Olsen did admit that it was convenient that they had jumper cables, and that she was able to make it home safely. 

Olsen’s ministering sisters, Mckenzie and Mckenna Rigby (no relation), were unavailable for comment.