A Modern Day Romeo and Juliet? Antimasker and Intensive Care Nurse Fall In Love

“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” It’s fortunate that Shakespeare isn’t living in Provo today because if he thought Romeo and Juliet were bad, he’d be able to stand this couple.

Faith Nightingale and Jason Antimaskison met on mutual a few weeks ago, and hit it off right away. They had similar hobbies, life goals, and music tastes. It was true love from the very start. Except for one problem: SARS-Co-V-2.

These star crossed lovers are being torn apart by an unbridgeable divide, as Ms. Nightingale is an intensive care nurse and her “one true love” is reportedly an anti-masker who believes COVID-19 is a hoax. Antimaskison was reportedly seen last week yelling, “MASKS ARE THE NEW FORM OF TYRANNY, DOWN WITH THE OPPRESSORS” before lighting a bonfire composed of masks and pamphlets promoting social distancing.

“It’s so hard for me,” Nightingale explained, “Why can’t Jason just do his part to support the community? What kind of example is this going to set for our future family?” However, when asked why they did not break up, the couple insisted they were too in love and were meant to be together.

Even when similarities between their situation and that of Romeo and Juliet were brought up, Antimaskison did not seem concerned. “We’ll be fine”, he said, “Anyway, it’s not like Romeo and Juliet ended up so badly, at least I assume so- I never finished it but romances always have happy endings, right?”