Kevin J. Worthen to be added in the ‘National Garden of American Heroes’, David Archeluta and ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ narrowly missing the cut

The final days of President Trump’s tenure as leader of our country were not spared from controversy. In one of his final executive orders, Trump commissioned the construction of  the ‘National Garden of American Heroes’ to honor those that were most influential in shaping our nation. 


This vast outdoor park will be in memoriam of the people who were integral to the success of this nation. Each member of this garden will be commemorated by a life-size marble statue as a token of their hard work. 


Kevin J. Worthen, the current President of Brigham Young University, will be among those honored for their service for the betterment of America. This did not come as a surprise for many people. 


“This was the easiest decision President Trump made in his entire time in office,” one of Trump’s advisors told the Alternate Universe. “We initially wanted to honor him with his own garden but we eventually had to settle with including other minor heroes as well.” 


There will be many others who will stand with Worthen in this prestigious garden including Kobe Bryant, President Harry Truman, Luis Alvarez, and Henry Ford among others. 


Other patriotic heroes were not as fortunate as these select few to receive a statue. The most notable and controversial names that were left off the list were American Idol Runner-Up and Pop Sensation David Archuleta along with ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ actor, Jon Heder.


Due to the large outrage from these omissions, the White House officially promised to name the garden’s parking lot and Port-O-Potties after Archuleta and Heder respectively.