New missionary to hand out 100 million copies of the Book of Mormon in first 100 days in the field

Elder Matt Matthews of Orem, Utah has recently been assigned to serve in the Washington DC North Mission. Matthews held a press conference to announce his plan for his first 100 days in the mission field. His loftiest goal is to hand out 100 million copies of the Book of Mormon.

Matthews believes that every citizen within his stewardship should have free access to the preventative power of scriptures. He plans to use local resources to distribute the copies to everyone in a more efficient manner. He is even trying to make a deal with employers that will give workers paid time off for going to receive their copy of the book.

He finished his remarks saying, “I know that we can be inoculated against the influence of the adversary. It may be a newer book of scripture that was assembled more quickly than average, but I promise only minimal injuries have come from it.”