Couple Finally Meets without Masks, Both are Disappointed

“He was so kind before this,” says Abby Smith.  “I just wish his face reflected his personality.”

Abby and Spencer met in their eternal families class last Monday morning.  They hit it off quickly.  “She introduced herself and told me where she was from, what her major is, and what year in school she is, asking me as well,” says Spencer Andersen.  “It was so romantic.”

After two classes, the pair decided to go on a date to the duck pond.  “Spencer was so generous with his bread!” says Abby Smith.  “I told him that he did not have to share the whole loaf when only half of it was moldy, but he insisted, saying that the ducks would enjoy it more than he would.  It was at this moment I realized we needed to get married right away.  I suggested this to him, and luckily he had a ring in hand at that very moment!”

The two started a study group for the class.  They met in-person in the library but mainly to hold hands.  They, of course, were the only two who showed up.  On Saturday, they decided it was time to study at Abby’s apartment instead of the library.  Spencer brought donuts.  They decided that because they were spending so much time together, it was safe enough to remove their masks.  It only went south from there.

Abby reports, “He had facial hair, and that is an absolute deal-breaker.  I cannot, in good conscience, date somebody who shows such blatant disregard for the Honor Code.  When I asked him to shave, he pointed out my own facial hair!  That was the last straw.  We were over.  He was so kind before this, I just wish his face reflected his personality.”

Spencer gives his side of the story: “I was insecure about removing my mask.  I thought my absolute radiance would knock her out.  I was wrong.  Instead, she criticized the look.  No one criticizes the look.”

It has been a couple of days, and neither has texted the other one.  Please pray for this couple.