LDS Church to Help Fund Stimulus Package—By Sending All Eligible Citizens a Copy of The Pearl of Great Price

According to an announcement made earlier this week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be helping the United States government with the proposed stimulus bill. 

The church will be helping by sending a free copy of the “Pearl of Great Price” to every citizen who is eligible to receive a stimulus check.

Beau Bingham, a church spokesperson, said, “This is a great opportunity for what the church does best, providing humanitarian aid and proselyting simultaneously.” 

Despite the enthusiasm from church officials, there is a question of how effective this tactic is at helping the American people struggling financially during a pandemic. 

Senator Adam West stated that “When we were told the church would be supplying something ‘of great price’ we thought they meant it literally.” He added that it was “hard not to feel blindsided” and that they couldn’t have “reasonably assumed that the aid would be a book.”

When asked if this confusion would lead to the government rejecting the church’s offer of aid, West said, “With how little McConnell and Pelosi are giving people, I’m not about to take anything else away.”

The church will also be sending full quad scripture sets to every country receiving foreign aid from the stimulus bill.