Christmas Miracle? Hotel Clerk Denies Lodging to Young Pregnant Couple

In an incredible story of the spirit of Christmas,  a young pregnant couple, Jack and Molly, were refused entry from a Best Western due to the hotel being at capacity. 

Jack, whose car broke down on his way to visit his family for the holidays said, “I was just trying to find a place for Molly and I to sleep, she’s nine months pregnant.”

When asked to comment on the story that closely mirrors the origin of everyone’s favorite biblical carpenter, the “innkeeper” Harold King said, “What was I supposed to do? The hotel was at capacity.”

In a slight departure from the New Testament-esque tale, Harold had to call the police on the couple, after they tried to sleep by the dumpster in the parking lot.

“We figured if we couldn’t get a room, we could at least sleep under the cover of the dumpster enclosure” Jack explained. “Apparently we were wrong.”

Molly’s baby truly was born in humble conditions, just like the original Christian Jew, as she delivered a healthy baby boy inside a cell in the Utah County Jail. 

Our little family was even joined by their own “wise men,” the cop who arrested them, a local drunk, and a UVU student being held overnight for indecent exposure.

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