BYU to Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on Expendable Liberal Arts Students

Brigham Young University announced earlier this week that the university was involved in experimental trials of COVID vaccines for several companies. 

Sources have attested to BYU’s policy of secretly testing the vaccine on liberal arts students, but BYU officials have denied the allegations, and say that all testing was done through proper channels.

Spokesperson Hal Mckay said “We would never test on students,” he added, “at least not students that we care about.” Mckay continued, “Let’s be real, it would be ridiculous to compare a computer science student to someone who studied film.”

International cinema studies student Ryker Wallax claimed that he was “tricked” into receiving the vaccine after he received an invitation to see La Dolce Vita. He said, “the email said I could get extra credit, and Federico Fellini is one of my top 25 favorite Italian directors.”

Wallax claimed to have been dosed while watching the award-winning film. Other Liberal Arts students have corroborated his story, with similar experiences involving extra credit activities. 

Taylin Jones reported that she experienced COVID symptoms suddenly after she attended a lecture on notable Russian philosophers. 

“Honestly,” said Jones, “I’ve gone through worse for extra credit.”