Debate Moderator Calls on Audience Member to Offer the Opening Prayer

Debate moderator Kristen Welker paused for a moment at the start of the nation’s final presidential debate tonight to ask a member of the audience to offer the opening prayer. In an awkward turn of events the ivy-league-educated, White House correspondent had forgotten to assign anyone beforehand.

“Uh, oh. Ahem. Let’s see here…” Welker mumbled into her mike when she realized her mistake, “Before we begin, umm, we need a volunteer to say the opening prayer.”

Although her request was followed by several moments of awkward silence, eventually a woman in the back raised her hand. All cameras panned in on the volunteer as she slowly walked to the stage.

During the alleged “very nice” prayer asking for “unity”, “clarity” and “a working mute button”, sources on the scene confirmed that President Trump kept one eye halfway open. Joe Biden was reverent throughout, but was sure to point out afterwards that the volunteer had forgotten to say a blessing on the food.