Devoted Trump supporters now writing in Elder Gong’s name on presidential ballot

In a recent post on Donald Trump’s Instagram account, the news about the COVID-19 positive test result has sparked a flurry of comments, the majority of them being debates and arguments between the most passionate Instagram users. Several people who were loyal to Trump were apparently swayed by the debate, and expressed their reconsideration for their presidential vote.

Several members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had taken to these online commenting wars, pointing out the lack of responsibility from the president and contrasting his actions with the ones of the apostle Elder Gerrit W. Gong. 

“Before Elder Gong even knew that he would test positive, he was already quarantining!” commented Jared Brown under the username @therealjaredbrown. “If you test positive for coronavirus, you should be isolating, and especially wearing a mask, not spreading the virus to others! Elder Gong is the kind of president we need.”

A response to this comment read, “Please. If you had the chance to record your talk for a general conference instead of having to give it live, wouldn’t you do that too?”

“I was a complete Trump fan,” commented Donald Trump, Jr., “but after knowing that Trump is probably spreading coronavirus to others, and Elder Gong was isolating himself like a decent person, I’m now going to be writing in Elder Gong’s name on the presidential ballot. I’m not even a member of this church.”

Polls on national news sources have begun to be updated to include Elder Gong’s name among the other presidential candidates, and his numbers are continuing to rise.